Where to Buy Lv 64 or 63 Gead Ffxiv

Complete Stormblood FATES Guide and List

List of every FATE in Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood (4.0)

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  1. Fuzz
    Stormblood FATES

    Please refer our FATE Guide for general information about FATES, how they work and some tips on how to best utilize them.

    This guide includes all FATES found in Stormblood (Patch 4.0) for Final Fantasy XIV.

    The expansion still sprinkles FATES evenly throughout all 6 of the new zones. A lot more 'Defense' based FATES along with a few new achievements as well as new obtainable items.

    Stormblood FATE Achievements & Obtainable Items

    • Tall Tale is found in The Lochs (22,25) and drops a Phoebad Triple Triad card after obtaining the achievement Slay Me a Mountain by completing the FATE with the higest rating possible (Gold).
    • The Evil Seed is found in The Fringes (15,22) and drops a Beyond the Wall Orchestration roll after obtaining the achievement Superseed by completing the FATE with the higest rating possible (Gold).
    • Never Say Daimyo is found in The Ruby Sea (18,9) and drops a Liquid Flame Orchestration roll after obtaining the achievement Shucked, not Stirred by completing the FATE with the higest rating possible (Gold).
    • Rattle and Humbaba is found in The Peaks (16,31) and drops the Ala Mhigan Barding chocobo barding after obtaining the achievement What You're Looking For by completing the FATE with the higest rating possible (Gold).
    • Wham, Bam, Thank You, Mammoth is found in The Azim Steppe (30,23) and drops a Mammoth Triple Triad card after obtaining the achievement Tusk by completing the FATE with the higest rating possible (Gold).
    • Curiosity Killed the Catfish is found in Yanxia (16,11) and awards you the achievement Maru Five by completing the FATE with the higest rating possible (Gold).
    • A Horse Outside is found in multiple places in The Lochs (4,15) (29,9) (16,22) and drops Ixion Horns. After obtaining 5 of these you can purchase the Ixion Barding from Eschina in Rhalgr's Reach. You also will earn the achievement Ride On by completing the FATE with the higest rating possible (Gold).
    • Foxy Lady can spawn in multiple places in Yanxia (16,12) (11,17) (35,22) (16,32) (24,34) and drops Sassho-seki Fragments. These Fragments can be used to purchase Fox Ears, Fox Kit minion and a Stuffed Fox Tabletop furnishing item from Eschina in Rhalgr's Reach. You also will earn the achievement Naughty Girls Need Love, As Well by completing the FATE with the higest rating possible (Gold).
    • The Dataqi Chronicles is a series of FATES that spawn in The Azim Steppe (Loook in table below for full list), the last FATE in the chain is called Dominion (10,17) and drops the outdoor furnishing Dataqi Standard. You also will earn the achievement Dataq Is Cheap by completing the FATE with the higest rating possible (Gold).

    General areas to visit at given level ranges. Listed by travel point and zone.

    • 60-64: Castrum Oriens (The Fringes)
    • 61-65: Castrum Oriens (The Fringes)
    • 62-66: Tamamizu (The Ruby Sea)
    • 63-67: Tamamizu (The Ruby Sea)
    • 64-68: Namai (Yanxia)
    • 65-69: The Dawn Throne (The Azim Steppe)
    • 66-70: Dhoro Iloh (The Azim Steppe)
    • 67-71: The Peering Stones (The Fringes)
    • 68-72: Ala Ghiri (The Peaks)
    • 69-73: Porta Praetoria (The Lochs)

    Fates are sorted by level range, however, there are maps below that may help show you where FATES are, as well. You can view a list sorted by Zone here. Recommend FATES are highlighted.

    FATE Locations

    Level Range Type Region Zone/Coordinates Closest Hub FATE Name
    1 60-64 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Fringes (18,11) Castrum Oriens Roid Rage
    2 60-64 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Fringes (9,16) Castrum Oriens Showing The Commanders What For
    3 60-64 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Fringes (9,16) Castrum Oriens Showing The Officers What For
    4 60-64 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Fringes (9,16) Castrum Oriens Showing The Recruits What For
    5 60-64 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Fringes (27,10) Rhalgr's Reach Bold This Way
    6 60-64 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Fringes (13,11) Castrum Oriens Death Beckons
    7 60-64 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Fringes (10,12) Castrum Oriens Unbearable
    8 60-64 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Fringes (12,14) Castrum Oriens Thank You for Not Mossling
    9 60-64 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Fringes (12,17) Castrum Oriens Dizzy Miss Grizzly
    10 60-64 Escort Gyr Abania The Fringes (29,12) Rhalgr's Reach Keeping the Peace
    11 60-64 Escort Gyr Abania The Fringes (24,14) Rhalgr's Reach Keeping More Peace
    12 60-64 Defense Gyr Abania The Fringes (23,10) Rhalgr's Reach Double Dhara
    13 61-65 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Fringes (15,23) Castrum Oriens The Evil Seed
    14 61-65 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Fringes (10,29) Castrum Oriens The Morning After
    15 61-65 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Fringes (18,17) Castrum Oriens The Spiderweb Chronicles
    16 61-65 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Fringes (10,18) Castrum Oriens Diakka Round
    17 61-65 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Fringes (12,26) Castrum Oriens The Secret Life of Plants
    18 61-65 Defense Gyr Abania The Fringes (12,22) Castrum Oriens The Mail Must Get Through
    19 61-65 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Fringes (14,20) Castrum Oriens Yes, This Is Dogs
    20 67-71 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Fringes (31,22) The Peering Stones Pop the Trunk
    21 67-71 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Fringes (31,21) The Peering Stones Raisin' Hell
    22 67-71 Gather Gyr Abania The Fringes (34,26) The Peering Stones A Pain in the Neck
    23 67-71 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Fringes (28,28) The Peering Stones Flappy Berda
    24 67-71 Gather Gyr Abania The Fringes (27,25) The Peering Stones Get Sharp
    25 67-71 Defense Gyr Abania The Fringes (31,30) The Peering Stones The Antlion's Share
    26 67-71 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Fringes (28,17) The Peering Stones Ananta and Her Sisters
    27 67-71 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Fringes (30,24) The Peering Stones Really Don't Keratyrannos
    28 67-71 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Fringes (32,26) The Peering Stones M Bop
    29 67-71 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Fringes (36,30) The Peering Stones Tele-tale Hunt
    30 60-64 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Peaks (13,15) Ala Gannha Salad Days
    31 60-64 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Peaks (22,15) Ala Gannha Venting
    32 60-64 Escort Gyr Abania The Peaks (12,11) Ala Gannha A New Leaf
    33 60-64 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Peaks (10,14) Ala Gannha Attack of the Groans
    34 60-64 Defense Gyr Abania The Peaks (10,10) Ala Gannha Resist, Die, Repeat
    35 60-64 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Peaks (19,16) Ala Gannha Beat Boxes
    36 60-64 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Peaks (18,12) Ala Gannha Child's Plague
    37 60-64 Defense Gyr Abania The Peaks (15,8) Ala Gannha And the Bandits Played On
    38 60-64 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Peaks (16,11) Ala Gannha Moth to a Flame
    39 60-64 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Peaks (7,14) Ala Gannha Churlish Chapuli
    40 60-64 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Peaks (22,9) Ala Gannha Das Bhoot
    41 60-64 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Peaks (11,7) Ala Gannha Days of Fluturini Past
    42 60-64 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Peaks (20,14) Ala Gannha Of Mice and Men
    43 60-64 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Peaks (21,7) Ala Gannha Down With the Sickness
    44 60-64 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Peaks (14,8) Ala Gannha Winging It
    45 60-64 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Peaks (13,15) Ala Gannha A Bone To Pick
    46 61-65 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Peaks (27,15) Ala Gannha You Don't Know Jack
    47 61-65 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Peaks (25,14) Ala Gannha Stuck In The Muud
    48 61-65 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Peaks (23,9) Ala Gannha Barbershoppe
    49 61-65 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Peaks (35,9) Ala Gannha Diceman Cometh
    50 68-72 Path Gyr Abania The Peaks (12,27) Ala Ghiri The Magitek Is Back
    51 68-72 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Peaks (15,25) Ala Ghiri The Day of the Griffins
    52 68-72 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Peaks (28,31) Ala Ghiri 5-year Energy
    53 68-72 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Peaks (23,30) Ala Ghiri Slaughterwife-five
    54 68-72 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Peaks (27,25) Ala Ghiri Breakneck
    55 68-72 Defense Gyr Abania The Peaks (24,35) Ala Ghiri Forget-me-not
    56 68-72 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Peaks (14,36) Ala Ghiri Home on the Range
    57 68-72 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Peaks (16,30) Ala Ghiri Rattle And Humbaba
    58 68-72 Defense Gyr Abania The Peaks (18,35) Ala Ghiri Mouth For Water
    59 68-72 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Peaks (13,30) Ala Ghiri Love Me, Tindalos
    60 68-72 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Peaks (17,29) Ala Ghiri Eat Big or Go Home
    61 68-72 Gather Gyr Abania The Peaks (26,28) Ala Ghiri Fletching Returns
    62 69-73 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Lochs (13,18) Porta Praetoria Enemy Territory
    63 69-73 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Lochs (8,10) Porta Praetoria Give Bees a Chance
    64 69-73 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Lochs (16,8) Porta Praetoria Ancelot's Fear
    65 69-73 Defense Gyr Abania The Lochs (8,10) Porta Praetoria Fate No Morpho
    66 69-73 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Lochs (13,18) Porta Praetoria One Bad Mother Chukwa
    67 69-73 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Lochs (15,6) Porta Praetoria Ancelot's Folly
    68 69-73 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Lochs (12,8) Porta Praetoria Ancelot's Finale
    69 69-73 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Lochs (11,13) Porta Praetoria About Face
    70 69-73 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Lochs (21,16) Porta Praetoria Dive In
    71 69-73 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Lochs (11,18) Porta Praetoria Dude, Where's My Karya
    72 69-73 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Lochs (31,31) The Ala Mhigan Quarter Dusk Till Abaddon
    73 69-73 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Lochs (22,32) The Ala Mhigan Quarter Foul Bachelor Frogamander
    74 69-73 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Lochs (29,35) The Ala Mhigan Quarter I Can Feel the Earth Move
    75 69-73 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Lochs (26,13) The Ala Mhigan Quarter Kingsgrave
    76 69-73 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Lochs (15,13) Porta Praetoria Lalla Land
    77 69-73 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Lochs (29,19) The Ala Mhigan Quarter Mazeless Runner
    78 69-73 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Lochs (26,32) The Ala Mhigan Quarter Minotaurs On My Mind
    79 69-73 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Lochs (27,28) The Ala Mhigan Quarter No Time Is A Good Time
    80 69-73 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Lochs (23,29) The Ala Mhigan Quarter Off Their Yabby
    81 69-73 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Lochs (14,31) Porta Praetoria OK, Golem
    82 69-73 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Lochs (30,15) The Ala Mhigan Quarter Old Bucket of Boruta
    83 69-73 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Lochs (24,23) The Ala Mhigan Quarter Par for the Course
    84 69-73 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Lochs (9,25) Porta Praetoria Pounding Salt
    85 69-73 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Lochs (26,9) The Ala Mhigan Quarter Sip When I'm Dead
    86 69-73 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Lochs (5,27) Porta Praetoria Sisyphus Cooling
    87 69-73 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Lochs (13,23) Porta Praetoria Sob Story
    88 69-73 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Lochs (19,22) Porta Praetoria Taking Kurrea Business
    89 69-73 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Lochs (22,25) The Ala Mhigan Quarter Tall Tale
    90 69-73 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Lochs (12,27) Porta Praetoria Tellus A Tale
    91 69-73 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Lochs (19,13) Porta Praetoria The Smell That Leeched Her Heart
    92 69-73 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Lochs (15,20) Porta Praetoria To Leech His Own
    93 69-73 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Lochs (19,33) The Ala Mhigan Quarter When It Pains It Pours
    94 69-73 Slay Enemies Gyr Abania The Lochs (25,31) The Ala Mhigan Quarter Who's Phoebad
    95 69-73 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Lochs (19,28) Porta Praetoria Yabby Hunters
    96 70-80 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Lochs (16,22) Porta Praetoria A Horse Outside
    97 70-80 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Lochs (29,10) The Ala Mhigan Quarter A Horse Outside
    98 70-80 Notorious Monster Gyr Abania The Lochs (5,16) Porta Praetoria A Horse Outside
    99 62-66 Notorious Monster Othard The Ruby Sea (24,36) Tamamizu Agni's Philosophy
    100 62-66 Notorious Monster Othard The Ruby Sea (26,30) Tamamizu Princess, Princess
    101 62-66 Slay Enemies Othard The Ruby Sea (38,22) Tamamizu Uncivil Serpents
    102 62-66 Defense Othard The Ruby Sea (15,5) Onokoro Turtle Power
    103 62-66 Slay Enemies Othard The Ruby Sea (29,33) Tamamizu The F-bomb
    104 62-66 Gather Othard The Ruby Sea (30,8) Onokoro The Coral High Ground
    105 62-66 Slay Enemies Othard The Ruby Sea (33,6) Onokoro The Big Banquet Theory
    106 62-66 Slay Enemies Othard The Ruby Sea (31,26) Tamamizu Soak Up the Sun
    107 62-66 Defense Othard The Ruby Sea (21,32) Tamamizu Ray Band
    108 62-66 Slay Enemies Othard The Ruby Sea (23,6) Onokoro Ranging Bull
    109 62-66 Slay Enemies Othard The Ruby Sea (27,29) Tamamizu Raise the Red Flag
    110 62-66 Notorious Monster Othard The Ruby Sea (15,5) Onokoro Another One Bites The Dust
    111 62-66 Notorious Monster Othard The Ruby Sea (34,11) Onokoro Wet
    112 62-66 Slay Enemies Othard The Ruby Sea (33,25) Tamamizu Pool Party
    113 62-66 Notorious Monster Othard The Ruby Sea (18,9) Onokoro Never Say Daimyo
    114 62-66 Notorious Monster Othard The Ruby Sea (18,7) Onokoro Bilge-hold Jin
    115 62-66 Slay Enemies Othard The Ruby Sea (28,30) Tamamizu Clean Bill of Health
    116 62-66 Slay Enemies Othard The Ruby Sea (30,35) Kugane Crab Mentality
    117 62-66 Defense Othard The Ruby Sea (18,8) Onokoro Days of Plunder
    118 62-66 Notorious Monster Othard The Ruby Sea (20,4) Onokoro Forever Younglier
    119 62-66 Slay Enemies Othard The Ruby Sea (15,10) Onokoro Jumping the Shark
    120 63-67 Slay Enemies Othard The Ruby Sea (35,16) Tamamizu Sailor Marooned
    121 63-67 Notorious Monster Othard The Ruby Sea (26,6) Onokoro Red Cliff
    122 63-67 Slay Enemies Othard The Ruby Sea (35,25) Tamamizu Double Dream Clams
    123 63-67 Slay Enemies Othard The Ruby Sea (35,23) Tamamizu Independence Ray
    124 63-67 Slay Enemies Othard The Ruby Sea (35,18) Tamamizu There Be Dragonflies
    125 63-67 Gather Othard The Ruby Sea (8,30) Tamamizu Treasure Island
    126 63-67 Slay Enemies Othard The Ruby Sea (9,6) Onokoro Kill the Messenger
    127 63-67 Notorious Monster Othard The Ruby Sea (11,7) Onokoro Lay of the Lang
    128 63-67 Notorious Monster Othard The Ruby Sea (32,20) Tamamizu Quoth The Raven
    129 64-68 Defense Othard Yanxia (18,32) Namai A Fish to Fry
    130 64-68 Defense Othard Yanxia (18,32) Namai A Tisket, A Tasket
    131 64-68 Notorious Monster Othard Yanxia (34,30) Namai To Catch a Weasel
    132 64-68 Slay Enemies Othard Yanxia (38,21) Namai Tiger Need
    133 64-68 Notorious Monster Othard Yanxia (15,34) Namai This Is a Da, This Is a Peng
    134 64-68 Slay Enemies Othard Yanxia (31,27) Namai The Long and Rhino Road
    135 64-68 Slay Enemies Othard Yanxia (25,25) Namai Stay of Eggsecution
    136 64-68 Notorious Monster Othard Yanxia (25,25) Namai Get Ready For a Nu Wave
    137 64-68 Slay Enemies Othard Yanxia (26,33) Namai Raze the Red Lantern
    138 64-68 Defense Othard Yanxia (14,29) Namai Oneblade Wonder
    139 64-68 Notorious Monster Othard Yanxia (27,25) Namai Motherly Love
    140 64-68 Slay Enemies Othard Yanxia (23,24) Namai Long Hands, Long Fingers
    141 64-68 Notorious Monster Othard Yanxia (18,28) Namai Killer Apsaras
    142 64-68 Notorious Monster Othard Yanxia (29,31) Namai Linquan Continental
    143 64-68 Slay Enemies Othard Yanxia (33,17) Namai Leave the Meters Running
    144 64-68 Gather Othard Yanxia (30,22) Namai In One Basket
    145 64-68 Gather Othard Yanxia (26,23) Namai Rice and Shine
    146 64-68 Slay Enemies Othard Yanxia (13,30) Namai Freedom Flies
    147 64-68 Slay Enemies Othard Yanxia (38,16) Namai Footing the Bills
    148 64-68 Notorious Monster Othard Yanxia (18,32) Namai Falling Drown
    149 64-68 Slay Enemies Othard Yanxia (33,30) Namai Deep Red Sea
    150 64-68 Slay Enemies Othard Yanxia (33,23) Namai The Virgin Homicides
    151 64-68 Slay Enemies Othard Yanxia (18,34) Namai Dead To Rites: Koja
    152 64-68 Slay Enemies Othard Yanxia (26,30) Namai Dead To Rites: Kiyofusa
    153 64-68 Notorious Monster Othard Yanxia (35,16) Namai Tsurubebi Snugly
    154 67-71 Gather Othard Yanxia (20,8) The House of the Fierce More To Offer
    155 67-71 Slay Enemies Othard Yanxia (31,9) The House of the Fierce Outfoxed
    156 67-71 Notorious Monster Othard Yanxia (18,8) The House of the Fierce Ragoh To Extremes
    157 67-71 Defense Othard Yanxia (26,9) The House of the Fierce Scared Straightheart
    158 67-71 Slay Enemies Othard Yanxia (26,9) The House of the Fierce Wolves of a Feather
    159 67-71 Notorious Monster Othard Yanxia (26,9) The House of the Fierce Goodwill Hunterling
    160 67-71 Slay Enemies Othard Yanxia (21,11) The House of the Fierce Crying Wolves
    161 67-71 Slay Enemies Othard Yanxia (30,6) The House of the Fierce Mada's Ilk
    162 67-71 Slay Enemies Othard Yanxia (32,7) The House of the Fierce Mister Whiskers
    163 67-71 Slay Enemies Othard Yanxia (28,8) The House of the Fierce Tora Tora Tora
    164 67-71 Notorious Monster Othard Yanxia (21,12) The House of the Fierce Très Bian
    165 67-71 Notorious Monster Othard Yanxia (16,11) The House of the Fierce Curiosity Killed The Catfish
    166 70-80 Notorious Monster Othard Yanxia (12,18) The House of the Fierce Foxy Lady
    167 70-80 Notorious Monster Othard Yanxia (16,13) The House of the Fierce Foxy Lady
    168 70-80 Notorious Monster Othard Yanxia (24,34) The House of the Fierce Foxy Lady
    169 65-69 Notorious Monster Othard The Azim Steppe (28,17) The Dawn Throne A Good Day To Die
    170 65-69 Slay Enemies Othard The Azim Steppe (26,26) The Dawn Throne The Dataqi Chronicles: Deprivation
    171 65-69 Notorious Monster Othard The Azim Steppe (33,24) Reunion The State Of Reunion
    172 65-69 Gather Othard The Azim Steppe (26,25) The Dawn Throne The Dataqi Chronicles: Duty
    173 65-69 Defense Othard The Azim Steppe (11,17) Dhoro Iloh The Dataqi Chronicles: Dominion
    174 65-69 Defense Othard The Azim Steppe (11,17) Dhoro Iloh The Dataqi Chronicles: Divergence
    175 65-69 Defense Othard The Azim Steppe (34,19) Reunion The Dataqi Chronicles: Distress
    176 65-69 Defense Othard The Azim Steppe (25,25) The Dawn Throne The Dataqi Chronicles: Distractions
    177 65-69 Slay Enemies Othard The Azim Steppe (35,20) Reunion The Dataqi Chronicles: Displacement
    178 65-69 Defense Othard The Azim Steppe (33,19) Reunion The Dataqi Chronicles: Diplomacy
    179 65-69 Defense Othard The Azim Steppe (26,25) The Dawn Throne The Dataqi Chronicles: Deterrence
    180 65-69 Defense Othard The Azim Steppe (32,22) Reunion The Dataqi Chronicles: Desperation
    181 65-69 Defense Othard The Azim Steppe (27,30) Reunion The Dataqi Chronicles: Departures
    182 65-69 Slay Enemies Othard The Azim Steppe (20,16) The Dawn Throne A Tall Order
    183 65-69 Defense Othard The Azim Steppe (11,17) Dhoro Iloh The Dataqi Chronicles: Declarations
    184 65-69 Defense Othard The Azim Steppe (22,19) The Dawn Throne The Dataqi Chronicles: Decimation
    185 65-69 Notorious Monster Othard The Azim Steppe (13,15) Dhoro Iloh Not Just A Tribute
    186 65-69 Slay Enemies Othard The Azim Steppe (34,23) Reunion More Than You Chaochu
    187 65-69 Notorious Monster Othard The Azim Steppe (23,14) The Dawn Throne Hook, Line, and Stinker
    188 65-69 Slay Enemies Othard The Azim Steppe (25,15) The Dawn Throne They Shall Not Want
    189 65-69 Escort Othard The Azim Steppe (25,15) The Dawn Throne A Walk Through the Valley
    190 65-69 Defense Othard The Azim Steppe (31,20) Reunion Wooly Boys
    191 65-69 Slay Enemies Othard The Azim Steppe (28,17) The Dawn Throne Good Day to Mate
    192 65-69 Defense Othard The Azim Steppe (30,33) Reunion Killing Dzo
    193 65-69 Notorious Monster Othard The Azim Steppe (14,15) Dhoro Iloh Live for the Mettle
    194 65-69 Notorious Monster Othard The Azim Steppe (32,32) Reunion Man to Mangas
    195 65-69 Slay Enemies Othard The Azim Steppe (30,16) The Dawn Throne Purbol Reign
    196 65-69 Slay Enemies Othard The Azim Steppe (17,11) Dhoro Iloh Rock for Food
    197 65-69 Notorious Monster Othard The Azim Steppe (28,28) Reunion Eat You Better
    198 65-69 Notorious Monster Othard The Azim Steppe (35,17) Reunion Duck And Cover
    199 65-69 Notorious Monster Othard The Azim Steppe (30,23) The Dawn Throne Wham, Bam, Thank You, Mammoth
    200 66-70 Notorious Monster Othard The Azim Steppe (15,32) The Dawn Throne Khan Artist
    201 66-70 Slay Enemies Othard The Azim Steppe (11,35) Dhoro Iloh Burn After Evening
    202 66-70 Slay Enemies Othard The Azim Steppe (13,29) Dhoro Iloh Buzzkill
    203 66-70 Notorious Monster Othard The Azim Steppe (10,30) Dhoro Iloh Cold Comes the Wind
    204 66-70 Notorious Monster Othard The Azim Steppe (12,23) Dhoro Iloh Don't You Mean Kirata
    205 66-70 Notorious Monster Othard The Azim Steppe (16,37) Dhoro Iloh Feel the Noise
    206 66-70 Notorious Monster Othard The Azim Steppe (20,31) The Dawn Throne Hat's Off
    207 66-70 Slay Enemies Othard The Azim Steppe (17,33) The Dawn Throne Razing the Baras
    208 66-70 Slay Enemies Othard The Azim Steppe (13,29) Dhoro Iloh The Fangover
    209 66-70 Slay Enemies Othard The Azim Steppe (18,28) The Dawn Throne Hey, Manzasiri
    210 66-70 Slay Enemies Othard The Azim Steppe (20,30) The Dawn Throne Get Out The Vochu
    211 66-70 Slay Enemies Othard The Azim Steppe (23,32) The Dawn Throne Fired

Where to Buy Lv 64 or 63 Gead Ffxiv

Source: https://ffxivaddicts.com/resources/complete-stormblood-fates-guide-and-list.38/

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