Mlp to Where and Back Again Discord

To Where and Back Again - Part 2
Chrysalis "...or what it takes to be their queen!" S6E26.png
Season №: 6
Season episode №: 26
Overall episode №: 143
Original airdate: October 22, 2022 (Discovery Family)
Written by: Josh Haber and Michael Vogel
Storyboard: Jeffrey Amey,
Karine Charlebois,
Thalia Tomlinson,
Corey Toomey,
and Megan Willis
Featured characters: Starlight Glimmer
Queen Chrysalis
See also
credits • transcript • gallery • allusions
animation errors • statistics • speculation
Episode guide
To Where and Back Again - Part 1
Celestial Advice

To Where and Back Again - Part 2, also formatted as To Where and Back Again: Part 2 and To Where and Back Again Pt. 2,[1] [2] is the twenty-sixth episode of season six of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and the one hundred and forty-third overall. It is the second part of a two-part season finale.

In this second part, Starlight Glimmer leads an unlikely squad of heroes against Queen Chrysalis and the changelings to save her friends and all of Equestria.


Regarding two MLP scripts[3] of Discord episodes[4] for this season,[5] John de Lancie stated "I think it's a two-parter" on September 30, 2015[6]—before reading the material[7]—and recorded on October 7,[8] 2015.[9]

In a Twitter conversation on February 20, 2016, Jim Miller mentioned his being "excited to see what folks think of the end of S6 b".[10]

In a tweet on July 23, 2016, Tim Stuby joked "that Rainbow Dash gets dreadlocks in S6 Finale".[11]

The title was revealed on Zap2it on September 5, 2022 with the same summary as Where the Apple Lies, before it was removed immediately after.[12]

On October 5, 2016, Jim Miller was told about a claim of Sunset Shimmer being in the season 6 finale and clarified that she is not.[13] [14] [15]

The episode premiered on United Kingdom television channel Tiny Pop on October 7, 2022 at 8:00 AM BST (07:00 UTC) which is fifteen days prior to its scheduled airing on Discovery Family, three days prior to the scheduled airing of Top Bolt on Tiny Pop, and more than one day prior to the scheduled airing of Where the Apple Lies on Discovery Family.[2] [16] [17] [18]

When asked on Twitter on October 22, 2022 why a song was not featured in the finale, Jim Miller replied, "There was no room due to the scope of the story."[19]


Storming the castle

All non-changeling magic is disabled in the Changeling Kingdom.

On the outskirts of the Changeling Kingdom, Discord is confused as to why he and his allies didn't instantly teleport to Fluttershy's location. Before Thorax can explain or Starlight Glimmer can make a plan, Discord attempts to storm the changeling castle on the back of a flying pig, but as soon as he breaches the changelings' perimeter, his magic fades away. Thorax explains that Queen Chrysalis' throne is carved from ancient dark stone that soaks up all non-changeling magic, rendering Starlight, Trixie, and Discord virtually powerless.

As before, Starlight's friends look to her for guidance, despite her discomfort being in a leadership role. Hesitantly, she makes a plan for them to infiltrate the hive, destroy the throne, and regain their magic. On their way to the hive, Discord and Trixie squabble. Starlight suggests they come up with a way to identify each other in case they get separated, like a secret code. After Discord trips over a rock, Trixie comes up with the code phrase "klutzy draconequus", much to Discord's chagrin.

Starlight the leader

Discord vs. Trixie.

Inside the hive, Starlight, Discord, and Trixie find the inner layout to have a constantly shifting geography; chamber doorways are always opening and closing in random locations, and only changelings are able to navigate it. As Starlight and her friends traverse the inner workings of the hive, Starlight is unsure how they will even destroy the throne when they find it while Discord and Trixie continue to argue.

Starlight is barely able to keep it together being thrust into her role as leader, and the situation is made worse when they become lost in the hive in spite of Thorax's navigation. As Trixie gives up hope, she asks Thorax about changelings' feeding habits, and Thorax explains that he hasn't been hungry since meeting Spike, despite the fact that changelings are always hungry. He also explains that, since becoming friends with the Crystal Ponies, he has disregarded his usual feeding habits, and his wings became embedded with crystal.

Starlight is more of a leader than she thought.

When Discord loudly announces his intention to save Fluttershy, he attracts the attention of a changeling patrol. Starlight Glimmer comes up with the idea of Thorax disguising himself as Trixie and evading the changelings with smoke bombs. After giving them the slip, Starlight expands her plan further by following some of the changelings to Chrysalis' throne room.

Creating a distraction

Starlight and her friends follow the changelings to Chrysalis' inner sanctum, but with the hive now on high alert, the entrance is heavily guarded. Trixie is out of smoke bombs, so Discord distracts the changeling guards with stand-up comedy. The changelings chase after him, allowing Starlight, Trixie, and Thorax to enter the inner sanctum.

Fluttershys, Fluttershys everywhere, and not a tissue in sight.

Discord eventually eludes the changelings in a cocoon nursery, and he reunites with Fluttershy, sobbing with her tail caught under a rock. Fluttershy is overjoyed to see Discord, but Discord immediately recognizes this to be a trap. As Fluttershy continues to cry, numerous crying Fluttershy duplicates appear, and Discord is left wondering if one of them is the real Fluttershy.

Starlight, Trixie, and Thorax wait for Discord to return, but Trixie believes he might have been captured, and Thorax suggests they move on toward the throne room. Just then, Discord appears to regroup with his friends and says he learned from the changelings where the throne room is. However, he doesn't recognize their "klutzy draconequus" code phrase, and the others immediately realize he's a changeling.

Trixie gets caught by the changelings.

As "Discord" leads his friends down the left path at a fork in the road, Thorax warns that he's leading them into an ambush. Trixie volunteers to distract the changeling while Starlight and Thorax find the throne, but Starlight is unsure of moving on without her best friend. Trixie assures Starlight that, even without magic, she has been an excellent leader thus far. After Trixie distracts "Discord" with a magic trick that binds their wrists together, Starlight and Thorax escape, leaving Trixie to be captured by the waiting swarm.

Confrontation with the queen

As Starlight and Thorax continue running from the changelings, they split up in order to avoid capture. Eventually, Starlight finds her way into Chrysalis' throne room and discovers the throne – as well as all of her friends trapped in cocoons on the ceiling. Unfortunately, Chrysalis had been waiting for Starlight to arrive, and the changelings come out of hiding to restrain her.

Thorax in the clutches of his changeling brethren.

Chrysalis brags that she thought so little of Starlight that she didn't bother replacing her with one of her changeling drones. With all of the most important and powerful ponies in Equestria captured, Chrysalis is certain of her victory. However, Starlight reminds her of Thorax, and Chrysalis angrily tells her not to mention the "traitor". As Chrysalis threatens to teach Thorax a lesson for betraying the hive, Starlight's eyes glimmer with a blue light, and Chrysalis realizes that Thorax has been in front of her the whole time.

Meanwhile, Starlight herself attempts to break the throne, but she is caught in the act and forced to take shelter from Chrysalis' attacks inside the hollow throne. Despite this development, Chrysalis remarks that everything has gone according to her plan to harvest all the love in Equestria and feed her hive for generations.

Starlight Glimmer vs. Queen Chrysalis.

Remembering Thorax's crystallized wings and satisfied hunger, Starlight proposes to Chrysalis that she and her changelings don't have to take others' love by force. Chrysalis dismisses this notion, stating that changeling hunger can never be satisfied. Starlight explains that ever since Thorax made friends and started sharing love, he hasn't needed to feed as often as changelings usually do.

Starlight's words start to reach the changeling drones, but Chrysalis is still dismissive of the claims of a "mewling grub". Despite her powerlessness, Starlight confronts Chrysalis directly, understanding what it's like to lead through fear and intimidation.

"A real leader doesn't force her subjects to deny who they are. She celebrates what makes them unique and listens when one of them finds a better way."
— Starlight Glimmer

Thorax shares the love inside, resulting in a drastic metamorphosis.

Ignoring Starlight's words, Chrysalis starts to drain the love that Thorax gained from the Crystal Ponies. Thorax is unable to hold onto the love inside him, so Starlight tells him to share it with Chrysalis willingly. This creates a tremendous burst of light that blows Chrysalis away and transforms Thorax into a new form of changeling: he is now taller with a green coat, orange pincers, and luminescent wings, and the holes in his hooves have been healed.

The other changelings follow Thorax's example of sharing love and take on similar, colorful forms. The resulting magical energy causes Chrysalis' throne to explode, and the ponies that the changelings captured are all freed. As Princess Luna commends Starlight on her accomplishment, Chrysalis emerges from the rubble. Starlight Glimmer stands before her again, telling her that she can be a leader her subjects deserve, and offers her hoof in friendship. However, Chrysalis rejects Starlight's offering and swears absolute revenge upon her before flying away.


With Chrysalis' abandonment of her kingdom, Thorax is declared the changelings' new ruler, and Princess Celestia looks forward to improving relationship between ponies and changelings. Discord proposes a tea celebration at Fluttershy's Cottage, but Starlight Glimmer has a better idea.

Starlight Glimmer embraces being a leader.

Starlight returns to her old village, and Double Diamond and Party Favor are surprised to see her again after the way she left just recently. Starlight expresses how much she has changed since she first founded the village and how comfortable she is being a more positive and listening leader. With that in mind, she offers to help oversee the remainder of the Sunset Festival and asks to allow her other friends to join, to which the villagers happily agree.

As the ponies join in the festival, Discord and Trixie reconcile after their earlier arguing, and Discord even offers to incorporate some of his chaos powers into her magic act.

"Hah! When pigs fly!"
— Trixie

Taking Trixie at her literal word, Discord conjures up a pair of untamed flying pigs, and he and Trixie go flying down the street, much to the confusion of the Mane Six and Spike.


For more quotes, see the episode's transcript.
Discord: That's all very nice, but really a waste of time. We have me. And what else could we possibly need?
Trixie: A draconequus with magic and half a brain might help.
Discord: Why are you here again? I mean, it's not like you're going to stop the changelings by pulling a rabbit out of a hat. At least my magic can do something.
Discord: How are we even supposed to get to the hive?
Trixie: We walk.
Discord: I haven't walked that far in a millennia!
Starlight Glimmer: If we get separated, it might make sense to have a way to make sure we are who we say we are.
Discord: Oh! Like a secret code! How about if I say "we are" and you say "doomed"? Or you say "rescue" and I say... [flails]
Trixie: How about if we say "klutzy" and you say "draconequus"?
Starlight Glimmer: "Klutzy draconequus". Works for me.
Thorax: I'll definitely remember it.
Thorax: It's a changeling hive. It shifts and changes like we do, and we're the only ones who can navigate it. It's total chaos to non-changelings.
Discord: Well, it's decent chaos. I don't know if I'd call it "total".
Discord: I don't suppose you brought any throne-destroying tools along with these useless sideshow props?
Trixie: Asks the Lord of Chaos who can't go for a walk without whining nonstop!
Discord: Yes, but when the throne is destroyed, I'll be able to rip the very fabric of reality to save our friends, while you'll still be a self-absorbed, below-average illusionist!
Trixie: Self-absorbed?! Why, you...!
Starlight Glimmer: At least Thorax knows where we're going.
Thorax: Um, guys? I think we're lost.
Discord: [taps microphone] Hello, changelings and changelettes! Believe me, I was just as surprised as you are that I'm here! When I heard that I'd be playing for a bunch of changelings, I was beside myself! Then I realized, it was just one of you.
[changelings snarl]
Discord: [nervous laugh] But, seriously, this isn't the toughest crowd I've ever been in front of. But it's definitely the easiest to bug!
Discord: "To bug"? Is this thing on? [taps microphone]
[changelings snarl]
Discord: Well, if you think that you can do any better, be my guest!
Trixie: [sighs] Okay, I'll handle it. You two just get ready to run into the other tunnel.
Starlight Glimmer: Wait, what?! Trixie, you can't! I won't know what to do! We've already lost Discord; I can't lose you too! Without magic, I—
Trixie: Starlight. You got us this far with just my illusions and Discord's annoying personality. You don't need magic to figure out what to do next. I know you're afraid to be in charge, but you are really good at it! Listen to your best friend.
Queen Chrysalis: Well, well, well. The Princess of Friendship's sole pupil. Honestly, I didn't think you were worth replacing with one of my drones.
Queen Chrysalis: There is no revenge you could ever conceive of that will come close to what I will exact upon you one day, Starlight Glimmer!
Discord: Splendid idea! Now who's ready for some celebratory tea at Fluttershy's?!
Fluttershy: Oh! Uh, everypony?
Discord: So I'm able to rip the very fabric of reality again.
Trixie: Yeah, yeah. And I'm still a self-absorbed, below-average illusionist, right?
Discord: Actually, I was going to say a couple of those illusions were slightly above average. If you ever need a little chaos in your act, let me know.
Trixie: Ha! When pigs fly!
Discord: Your wish is my command! [snaps]
Rainbow Dash: Somepony is really gonna have to catch us up on what we missed.


Starlight Glimmer in front of angered ponies and changelings S6E26.png

To Where and Back Again - Part 2 image gallery


  1. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic : To Where and Back Again Pt. 2. Zap2It. Retrieved on 2022 September 13.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Episode 26: To Where and Back Again Pt. 2 Fri 7th Oct 08:00 on Tiny Pop. Virgin TV Anywhere. Virgin Media. Retrieved on 2022 September 30.
  3. John de Lancie (2015-10-08). John de Lancie on Twitter: "Timeline story is going to be excellent. MLP scripts are really fun but a year!? That a long wait. And the Nimoy doc is happening. All good.". Twitter. Retrieved on 2022 August 16.
  4. John de Lancie (2015-09-30). John de Lancie on Twitter: "MLP fans. Two new Discord scripts coming down the pike.". Twitter. Retrieved on 2022 August 16.
  5. John de Lancie (2016-06-06). John de Lancie on Twitter: "@PixarWood @TheBiggestJim Yup. At least two.". Twitter. Retrieved on 2022 August 16.
  6. John de Lancie (2015-09-30). John de Lancie on Twitter: "@DJ_The_Guardian I think it's a two-parter.". Twitter. Retrieved on 2022 August 16.
  7. John de Lancie (2015-10-01). John de Lancie on Twitter: "@ILoveKPAlot I've not read it yet - I'll get it next week - but I'm sure it's good.". Twitter. Retrieved on 2022 August 16.
  8. John de Lancie (2015-10-04). John de Lancie on Twitter: "@ILoveKPAlot I record on Wednesday. I will read the scripts tomorrow and let you know.". Twitter. Retrieved on 2022 August 16.
  9. John de Lancie (2015-10-08). John de Lancie on Twitter: "What I did today: Talked with Jessica about TimeLines; recorded two MLP scripts - you'll have to wait a year! And, got the NImoy doc script.". Twitter. Retrieved on 2022 August 16.
  10. Jim Miller (2016-02-20). Big Jim on Twitter: "@MLPRainbow20 That one's pretty good. I'm excited to see what folks think of the end of S6 b". Twitter. Retrieved on 2022 February 23.
  11. Tim Stuby (2016-07-23). Tim Stuby on Twitter: "Wanna check so I don't get in trouble for revealing spoilers.They DID say at ComicCon that Rainbow Dash gets dreadlocks in S6 Finale, right?". Twitter. Retrieved on 2022 August 10.
  12. My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic - Episode Guide. Zap2it (2016-09-05). Retrieved on 2022 September 5. Archived.
  13. Jim Miller (2016-10-05). Bug Jam on Twitter: "@HankstermanPro 'Official', huh? Enjoy being disappointed.". Twitter. Retrieved on 2022 October 6.
  14. Jim Miller (2016-10-05). Bug Jam on Twitter: "@HankstermanPro I actually MAKE the show, and I'm telling you it's NOT official info.". Twitter. Retrieved on 2022 October 6.
  15. Jim Miller (2016-10-05). Bug Jam on Twitter: "@HankstermanPro No. I'm afraid not. A good rule of thumb is not to believe stuff unless it comes from Hasbro DIRECTLY.". Twitter. Retrieved on 2022 October 6.
  16. Sky Guide TV Listings. Sky. Retrieved on 2022 October 1.
  17. William Chucas (2016-09-30). ✨ William Chucas ✨ on Twitter: "@KSheridanVoice The S6 finale is now aiming for the UK on the 6th and 7th of October. SKY has better sources. 😉". Twitter. Retrieved on 2022 September 30.
  18. Schedule | Tiny Pop. Retrieved on 2022 October 1.
  19. Jim Miller (2016-10-22). @Cenafan456 No. There was no room due to the scope of the story.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2022 November 27.


Episodes, films, and animated shorts
Friendship is Magic
Season one
Navbox S01E01 thumb.png Navbox S01E02 thumb.png Navbox S01E03 thumb.png Navbox S01E04 thumb.png
Episode 1
Friendship is Magic, part 1
Episode 2
Friendship is Magic, part 2
Episode 3
The Ticket Master
Episode 4
Applebuck Season
Navbox S01E05 thumb.png Navbox S01E06 thumb.png Navbox S01E07 thumb.png Navbox S01E08 thumb.png
Episode 5
Griffon the Brush Off
Episode 6
Boast Busters
Episode 7
Episode 8
Look Before You Sleep
Navbox S01E09 thumb.png Navbox S01E10 thumb.png Navbox S01E11 thumb.png Navbox S01E12 thumb.png
Episode 9
Bridle Gossip
Episode 10
Swarm of the Century
Episode 11
Winter Wrap Up
Episode 12
Call of the Cutie
Navbox S01E13 thumb.png Navbox S01E14 thumb.png Navbox S01E15 thumb.png Navbox S01E16 thumb.png
Episode 13
Fall Weather Friends
Episode 14
Suited For Success
Episode 15
Feeling Pinkie Keen
Episode 16
Sonic Rainboom
Navbox S01E17 thumb.png Navbox S01E18 thumb.png Navbox S01E19 thumb.png Navbox S01E20 thumb.png
Episode 17
Stare Master
Episode 18
The Show Stoppers
Episode 19
A Dog and Pony Show
Episode 20
Green Isn't Your Color
Navbox S01E21 thumb.png Navbox S01E22 thumb.png Navbox S01E23 thumb.png Navbox S01E24 thumb.png
Episode 21
Over a Barrel
Episode 22
A Bird in the Hoof
Episode 23
The Cutie Mark Chronicles
Episode 24
Owl's Well That Ends Well
Navbox S01E25 thumb.png Navbox S01E26 thumb.png
Episode 25
Party of One
Episode 26
The Best Night Ever
Season two
Navbox S02E01 thumb.png Navbox S02E02 thumb.png Navbox S02E03 thumb.png Navbox S02E04 thumb.png
Episode 1
The Return of Harmony Part 1
Episode 2
The Return of Harmony Part 2
Episode 3
Lesson Zero
Episode 4
Luna Eclipsed
Navbox S02E05 thumb.png Navbox S02E06 thumb.png Navbox S02E07 thumb.png Navbox S02E08 thumb.png
Episode 5
Sisterhooves Social
Episode 6
The Cutie Pox
Episode 7
May the Best Pet Win!
Episode 8
The Mysterious Mare Do Well
Navbox S02E09 thumb.png Navbox S02E10 thumb.png Navbox S02E11 thumb.png Navbox S02E12 thumb.png
Episode 9
Sweet and Elite
Episode 10
Secret of My Excess
Episode 11
Hearth's Warming Eve
Episode 12
Family Appreciation Day
Navbox S02E13 thumb.png Navbox S02E14 thumb.png Navbox S02E15 thumb.png Navbox S02E16 thumb.png
Episode 13
Baby Cakes
Episode 14
The Last Roundup
Episode 15
The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
Episode 16
Read It and Weep
Navbox S02E17 thumb.png Navbox S02E18 thumb.png Navbox S02E19 thumb.png Navbox S02E20 thumb.png
Episode 17
Hearts and Hooves Day
Episode 18
A Friend in Deed
Episode 19
Putting Your Hoof Down
Episode 20
It's About Time
Navbox S02E21 thumb.png Navbox S02E22 thumb.png Navbox S02E23 thumb.png Navbox S02E24 thumb.png
Episode 21
Dragon Quest
Episode 22
Hurricane Fluttershy
Episode 23
Ponyville Confidential
Episode 24
MMMystery on the Friendship Express
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Episode 25
A Canterlot Wedding - Part 1
Episode 26
A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2
Season three
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Episode 1
The Crystal Empire - Part 1
Episode 2
The Crystal Empire - Part 2
Episode 3
Too Many Pinkie Pies
Episode 4
One Bad Apple
Navbox S03E05 thumb.png Navbox S03E06 thumb.png Navbox S03E07 thumb.png Navbox S03E08 thumb.png
Episode 5
Magic Duel
Episode 6
Sleepless in Ponyville
Episode 7
Wonderbolts Academy
Episode 8
Apple Family Reunion
Navbox S03E09 thumb.png Navbox S03E10 thumb.png Navbox S03E11 thumb.png Navbox S03E12 thumb.png
Episode 9
Spike at Your Service
Episode 10
Keep Calm and Flutter On
Episode 11
Just for Sidekicks
Episode 12
Games Ponies Play
Navbox S03E13 thumb.png
Episode 13
Magical Mystery Cure
Season four
Navbox S04E01 thumb.png Navbox S04E02 thumb.png Navbox S04E03 thumb.png Navbox S04E04 thumb.png
Episode 1
Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 1
Episode 2
Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 2
Episode 3
Castle Mane-ia
Episode 4
Daring Don't
Navbox S04E05 thumb.png Navbox S04E06 thumb.png Navbox S04E07 thumb.png Navbox S04E08 thumb.png
Episode 5
Flight to the Finish
Episode 6
Power Ponies
Episode 7
Episode 8
Rarity Takes Manehattan
Navbox S04E09 thumb.png Navbox S04E10 thumb.png Navbox S04E11 thumb.png Navbox S04E12 thumb.png
Episode 9
Pinkie Apple Pie
Episode 10
Rainbow Falls
Episode 11
Three's A Crowd
Episode 12
Pinkie Pride
Navbox S04E13 thumb.png Navbox S04E14 thumb.png Navbox S04E15 thumb.png Navbox S04E16 thumb.png
Episode 13
Simple Ways
Episode 14
Filli Vanilli
Episode 15
Twilight Time
Episode 16
It Ain't Easy Being Breezies
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Episode 17
Somepony to Watch Over Me
Episode 18
Maud Pie
Episode 19
For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils
Episode 20
Leap of Faith
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Episode 21
Testing Testing 1, 2, 3
Episode 22
Trade Ya!
Episode 23
Inspiration Manifestation
Episode 24
Equestria Games
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Episode 25
Twilight's Kingdom - Part 1
Episode 26
Twilight's Kingdom - Part 2
Season five
Navbox S05E01 thumb.png Navbox S05E02 thumb.png Navbox S05E03 thumb.png Navbox S05E04 thumb.png
Episode 1
The Cutie Map - Part 1
Episode 2
The Cutie Map - Part 2
Episode 3
Castle Sweet Castle
Episode 4
Bloom & Gloom
Navbox S05E05 thumb.png Navbox S05E06 thumb.png Navbox S05E07 thumb.png Navbox S05E08 thumb.png
Episode 5
Tanks for the Memories
Episode 6
Appleoosa's Most Wanted
Episode 7
Make New Friends but Keep Discord
Episode 8
The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone
Navbox S05E09 thumb.png Navbox S05E10 thumb.png Navbox S05E11 thumb.png Navbox S05E12 thumb.png
Episode 9
Slice of Life
Episode 10
Princess Spike
Episode 11
Party Pooped
Episode 12
Amending Fences
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Episode 13
Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?
Episode 14
Canterlot Boutique
Episode 15
Rarity Investigates!
Episode 16
Made in Manehattan
Navbox S05E17 thumb.png Navbox S05E18 thumb.png Navbox S05E19 thumb.png Navbox S05E20 thumb.png
Episode 17
Brotherhooves Social
Episode 18
Crusaders of the Lost Mark
Episode 19
The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows
Episode 20
Navbox S05E21 thumb.png Navbox S05E22 thumb.png Navbox S05E23 thumb.png Navbox S05E24 thumb.png
Episode 21
Scare Master
Episode 22
What About Discord?
Episode 23
The Hooffields and McColts
Episode 24
The Mane Attraction
Navbox S05E25 thumb.png Navbox S05E26 thumb.png
Episode 25
The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 1
Episode 26
The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 2
Season six
Navbox S06E01 thumb.png Navbox S06E02 thumb.png Navbox S06E03 thumb.png Navbox S06E04 thumb.png
Episode 1
The Crystalling - Part 1
Episode 2
The Crystalling - Part 2
Episode 3
The Gift of the Maud Pie
Episode 4
On Your Marks
Navbox S06E05 thumb.png Navbox S06E06 thumb.png Navbox S06E07 thumb.png Navbox S06E08 thumb.png
Episode 5
Gauntlet of Fire
Episode 6
No Second Prances
Episode 7
Newbie Dash
Episode 8
A Hearth's Warming Tail
Navbox S06E09 thumb.png Navbox S06E10 thumb.png Navbox S06E11 thumb.png Navbox S06E12 thumb.png
Episode 9
The Saddle Row Review
Episode 10
Applejack's "Day" Off
Episode 11
Flutter Brutter
Episode 12
Spice Up Your Life
Navbox S06E13 thumb.png Navbox S06E14 thumb.png Navbox S06E15 thumb.png Navbox S06E16 thumb.png
Episode 13
Stranger Than Fan Fiction
Episode 14
The Cart Before the Ponies
Episode 15
28 Pranks Later
Episode 16
The Times They Are A Changeling
Navbox S06E17 thumb.png Navbox S06E18 thumb.png Navbox S06E19 thumb.png Navbox S06E20 thumb.png
Episode 17
Dungeons & Discords
Episode 18
Buckball Season
Episode 19
The Fault in Our Cutie Marks
Episode 20
Viva Las Pegasus
Navbox S06E21 thumb.png Navbox S06E22 thumb.png Navbox S06E23 thumb.png Navbox S06E24 thumb.png
Episode 21
Every Little Thing She Does
Episode 22
P.P.O.V. (Pony Point of View)
Episode 23
Where the Apple Lies
Episode 24
Top Bolt
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Episode 25
To Where and Back Again - Part 1
Episode 26
To Where and Back Again - Part 2
Season seven
Navbox S07E01 thumb.png Navbox S07E02 thumb.png Navbox S07E03 thumb.png Navbox S07E04 thumb.png
Episode 1
Celestial Advice
Episode 2
All Bottled Up
Episode 3
A Flurry of Emotions
Episode 4
Rock Solid Friendship
Navbox S07E05 thumb.png Navbox S07E06 thumb.png Navbox S07E07 thumb.png Navbox S07E08 thumb.png
Episode 5
Fluttershy Leans In
Episode 6
Forever Filly
Episode 7
Parental Glideance
Episode 8
Hard to Say Anything
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Episode 9
Honest Apple
Episode 10
A Royal Problem
Episode 11
Not Asking for Trouble
Episode 12
Discordant Harmony
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Episode 13
The Perfect Pear
Episode 14
Fame and Misfortune
Episode 15
Triple Threat
Episode 16
Campfire Tales
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Episode 17
To Change a Changeling
Episode 18
Daring Done?
Episode 19
It Isn't the Mane Thing About You
Episode 20
A Health of Information
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Episode 21
Marks and Recreation
Episode 22
Once Upon a Zeppelin
Episode 23
Secrets and Pies
Episode 24
Uncommon Bond
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Episode 25
Shadow Play - Part 1
Episode 26
Shadow Play - Part 2
Season eight
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Episode 1
School Daze - Part 1
Episode 2
School Daze - Part 2
Episode 3
The Maud Couple
Episode 4
Fake It 'Til You Make It
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Episode 5
Grannies Gone Wild
Episode 6
Surf and/or Turf
Episode 7
Horse Play
Episode 8
The Parent Map
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Episode 9
Non-Compete Clause
Episode 10
The Break Up Break Down
Episode 11
Molt Down
Episode 12
Marks for Effort
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Episode 13
The Mean 6
Episode 14
A Matter of Principals
Episode 15
The Hearth's Warming Club
Episode 16
Friendship University
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Episode 17
The End in Friend
Episode 18
Episode 19
Road to Friendship
Episode 20
The Washouts
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Episode 21
A Rockhoof and a Hard Place
Episode 22
What Lies Beneath
Episode 23
Sounds of Silence
Episode 24
Father Knows Beast
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Episode 25
School Raze - Part 1
Episode 26
School Raze - Part 2
Season nine
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Episode 1
The Beginning of the End - Part 1
Episode 2
The Beginning of the End - Part 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Sparkle's Seven
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Episode 5
The Point of No Return
Episode 6
Common Ground
Episode 7
She's All Yak
Episode 8
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Episode 9
Sweet and Smoky
Episode 10
Going to Seed
Episode 11
Student Counsel
Episode 12
The Last Crusade
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Episode 13
Between Dark and Dawn
Episode 14
The Last Laugh
Episode 15
2, 4, 6, Greaaat
Episode 16
A Trivial Pursuit
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Episode 17
The Summer Sun Setback
Episode 18
She Talks to Angel
Episode 19
Dragon Dropped
Episode 20
A Horse Shoe-In
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Episode 21
Daring Doubt
Episode 22
Growing Up is Hard to Do
Episode 23
The Big Mac Question
Episode 24
The Ending of the End - Part 1
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Episode 25
The Ending of the End - Part 2
Episode 26
The Last Problem
Clip shows
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Episode 1
A-Dressing Memories
Episode 2
Cakes for the Memories
Episode 3
Episode 4
Deep Tissue Memories
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Episode 5
Harvesting Memories
Episode 6
Memories and More
Pony Life
Season one
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Episode 1
Princess Probz
Episode 2
The Best of the Worst
Episode 3
How Applejack Got Her Hat Back
Episode 4
Cute-pocalypse Meow
MLP Pony Life logo character page.png MLP Pony Life logo character page.png MLP Pony Life logo character page.png MLP Pony Life logo character page.png
Episode 5
Bad Thing No. 3
Episode 6
Pinkie Pie: Hyper-Helper
Episode 7
The Trail Less Trotten
Death of a Sales-Pony
Episode 8
Bighoof Walking
The Fluttershy Effect
MLP Pony Life logo character page.png MLP Pony Life logo character page.png MLP Pony Life logo character page.png MLP Pony Life logo character page.png
Episode 9
The Fast and the Furriest
Disappearing Act
Episode 10
Badge of Shame
Discord's Peak
Episode 11
A Camping We Will Go
Campfire Stories
Episode 12
Friendship Gems
MLP Pony Life logo character page.png MLP Pony Life logo character page.png MLP Pony Life logo character page.png MLP Pony Life logo character page.png
Episode 13
Potion Mystery
Sick Day
Episode 14
Meet Potion Nova!
Pony Surfin' Safari
Episode 15
All Bottled Up
All That Jitters
Episode 16
I, Cookie
Keynote Pie
MLP Pony Life logo character page.png MLP Pony Life logo character page.png MLP Pony Life logo character page.png MLP Pony Life logo character page.png
Episode 17
Ponies of the Moment
One Click Wonder
Episode 18
Zound Off
Unboxing Day
Episode 19
Don't Look a GIF Horse in the Mouth
The Root of It
Episode 20
The Mysterious Voice
The 5 Habits of Highly Effective Ponies
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Episode 21
Game Knight
Director Spike's Mockumentary
Episode 22
Dear Tabby
Episode 23
Pie vs. Pie
Superb Six
Episode 24
The Debut Taunt
MLP Pony Life logo character page.png MLP Pony Life logo character page.png
Episode 25
The Rarity Report
The Great Divide
Episode 26
The Great Collide
Sportacular Spectacular Musical Musak-ular
Season two
MLP Pony Life logo character page.png MLP Pony Life logo character page.png MLP Pony Life logo character page.png MLP Pony Life logo character page.png
Episode 1
Cute Impact
The Crystal Capturing Contraption
Episode 2
The Comet Section
Cotton Candy-Colored Glasses
Episode 3
Close Encounters of the Balloon Kind
The Tiara of Truth
Episode 4
Bubble Trouble
MLP Pony Life logo character page.png MLP Pony Life logo character page.png MLP Pony Life logo character page.png MLP Pony Life logo character page.png
Episode 5
Time After Time Capsule
The Great Cowgirl Hat Robbery
Episode 6
Planet of the Apps
Back to the Present
Episode 7
Magical Mare-story Tour
Life of Pie
Episode 8
The Rarest of Occasions
Portal Combat
MLP Pony Life logo character page.png MLP Pony Life logo character page.png MLP Pony Life logo character page.png MLP Pony Life logo character page.png
Episode 9
What Goes Updo
Communication Shakedown
Episode 10
Little Miss Fortune
Episode 11
Playwright or Wrong
The Shows Must Go On
Episode 12
The De-Stress Ball
Mad Props
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Episode 13
Magic is Ahoof
Journey to the Center of the 'Cord
Episode 14
One Last Wish
Wild Heart Beats
Feature films
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Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks Friendship Games Legend of Everfree
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My Little Pony The Movie A New Generation
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Dance Magic Movie Magic Mirror Magic Forgotten Friendship
Navbox EGRoF thumb.png Navbox BGE thumb.png Spring Breakdown Navbox MLPRR thumb.png
Rollercoaster of Friendship Best Gift Ever Spring Breakdown Rainbow Roadtrip
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Sunset's Backstage Pass Holidays Unwrapped Make Your Mark
Animated shorts
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Rainbow Rocks shorts Friendship Games shorts Summertime Shorts Equestria Girls: Better Together (season 1)
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Equestria Girls: Better Together (season 2) Equestria Girls: Choose Your Own Ending (season 1) Equestria Girls: Choose Your Own Ending (season 2) Equestria Girls Minis
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Baby Flurry Heart's Heartfelt Scrapbook Rarity's Peek Behind the Boutique Fundamentals of Magic My Little Pony Established 1983
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Friendship is Magic shorts Hello Pinkie Pie Stop Motion Shorts Tell Your Tale


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